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Hand Made Brutalist Chess Set By Jordy Virguetti

A&D Martinez-Conde

The concrete works of Terra Forms stand at the juncture of sculpture and architecture. The studio draws inspiration from the monolithic structures carved out of the Andes terrain by the Tiwanakans, an ancient Bolivian civilization. The study of his ancestors' craftsmanship combined with his research in brutalism led to the studio's process of creating handmade concrete objects that can be both functional and timeless forms.

The Brutalist Chess Set is a handmade product that includes 16 natural grey concrete pieces,16 dark grey concrete pieces, and a 1-inch thick concrete board. 

(Sets will be made to order so each will have a unique concrete texture)

Designed by Jordy Virguetti

W: 13”
D: 13”
H: 1” (4” with pieces)
